Autumn Fields
by Randy Van Beek
24″ x 36″ Framed
“Watch the painting at varied times of the day. The natural light changes the clouds like they are moving, the shadows adjust to reflect the time of day. The magic Art of Randy Van Beek!”
“Whenever I travel I carry my painting equipment and camera. When I discover a scene or an effect that excites me, something unique, I attempt to capture what I feel or the impression of my visual experience.” Later in the studio Randy refers to the outdoor study paintings as well as the photographs to execute larger works. When he composes these more complex versions, he may incorporate figures, children, or wildlife, sometimes creating a story.
Randy enjoys a broad range of subjects and painting styles. “I don’t want to limit myself to a theme in subjects, or a repetitive formula in techniques. I need to continually challenge myself. The creative process is over once I’ve accomplished something, and it’s that process I’m most passionate about. I think the creative mind is one of God’s most fascinating gifts. I see it as a responsibility to explore and develop my gift, but mostly to share what I’ve created.” We can seek solace in the appreciation of beauty. Art, music, and literature can elevate our spirit providing relief from the common place. A work of art is passed on for centuries, communicating one’s personal insights in a particular era.
Randy is concerned with the preservation of natural areas of the earth and hopes his work will inspire others to share in the responsibility of maintaining balance between conservation, economic, and social needs. He annually contributes to over thirty local and over twenty national non-profit organizations which either preserve wild habitats or aid humanitarian efforts. A partial list of memberships include: World Wildlife Fund, National Park Foundation, Wilderness Society, Children’s Compassion International, Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation and Whatcom Land Trust.
Spirits in the Wind Gallery, 1211 Washington Ave., Golden, CO 80401
www.spiritsinthewindgallery.com 303-279-1192
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