Hayfield Sunset by Randy Van Beek, Oil on Canvas
Magpie Morning and Summertime by Gary Huber, Pastel
Spirits in the Wind Gallery’s artists: Gary Huber and Randy Van Beek’s
paintings reflect the importance of our hay fields.
“Hay is a very important crop in Colorado. According to state agricultural statistics for 2010, non-alfalfa hay production for Colorado was 1,700,000 tons on 780,000 acres. Jackson (North Park) and Grand (Middle Park) counties combine for 75,500 tons on one cutting a year. That is a lot of hay.by Tony Bruguiere Ft. Collins, Colo.”
View on-line www.spiritsinthewindgallery.com
Spirits in the Wind Gallery
1211 Washington Ave., Golden, CO 80401 303-279-1192