Oil Paintings by Gary Sohrweid

Lair of the Bear Oil Painting
Western Art & Lifestyle
Western Art and Lifestyle
January 9th – 29th, 2016
Spirits in the Wind Gallery, Premier Art of the New West, features Gary Sohrweid, Artist.
Meeting Gary, your first impression is “He looks just like a Cowboy of the West!” with his colorful and stylish Western attire.
Once a local art teacher, now full time artist, paints oil subjects that include western, ranch subjects.
His artwork has an edge of impressionism but sometimes his style reveals Old Master flavor. Gary studied Old Master Painting near Florence, Italy and Water Media Painting in Acapulco, Mexico.
He painted, for several years, in acrylics but while taking instruction in plein air, he returned to oils. For the past few years, you will recognize his one-of-a kind bass, trout and sunfish wall plaques in the front gallery windows and adorning the walls at the gallery.
In the next few months, visit the gallery to view his local Colorado landscapes in oil that will capture your attention!
1211 Washington Ave., Golden, Co 80401 303-279-1192