Marc has drawn his whole life and it seems that for most of his life, all he has wanted to do is art. He started showing his pencil drawings and intricate pen and ink drawings at art fairs when he was 14. He became enamored with the sculptural world in college, which opened new worlds for him in art and design. He spent the next 30-plus years working in visual media of one sort or another, from technical illustration done in ink and gouache, to photography, video production, set design and implementation and sculpture. With the advent of the computer age he branched out into computer-generated art, illustration and design and 3-D animation.
New Glow Pots by Marc Jenesel & Karen Pierce
Raku pottery lined with copper leaf and raku pots with copper leaf,
seagrass, copper mesh and various gemstones
WB-1344 Wilson Green 6.5″h x 7.5″dia
Raku pot w/copper leaf, seagrass, copper
wire, amazonite, rose quartz, fluorite,
and shell $495
Raku Pottery by Marc Jenesel
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