Tammy Lynne Penn
Compelled to create.
Tammy has always felt a bond with animals and aimed to recreate that feeling in her art. It was not until the 1988
Loveland Sculpture Show that she felt driven to try her hand at sculpting bronze. Drawing on a variety of life experiences and technical workshops, Tammy developed her own signature style; utilizing different techniques and media to create unique pieces representing our interconnectedness with animals.
Mixing media and melding heritages;people have always had a spiritual connection to animals through the millennia, whether it’s through Native
American folklore or Celtic mythology. Tammy aims to honor that through her artwork.
Growing up in Colorado, Tammy loved the tributes to animals incorporating antlers, fur, feather and stone seen in Native American artwork. These tributes led the artist to delve into her own heritage, exploring Swedish, Irish and Scottish history for inspiration. She was thrilled to discover that her Druid and Viking ancestors also had
animal totems and tributes.
Tammy combines traditional influences with a variety of media and sculpting techniques to create innovative art that gives voice to Nature’s spirit. She sculpts horses, dogs, birds of prey, bulls, and bears from clay. She either fires the clay or casts the piece in bronze or glass (lead crystal), incorporating silver and stone as well. Tammy enjoys exploring the qualities of each medium – the freedom and spontaneity of ceramic, the strength and precision of bronze, the luminosity and intrigue of crystal – and complementing each one's attributes with the gifts of the others.
Art on a Grand Scale. In the scope of Tammy’s body of work, you will find delicate Raku horses, Journey Ponies, life-like bronze
representational pieces ranging from miniature to monumental, spiritual Celtic-inspired totems and tributes, and
breathtaking birds of prey.
New Sculptures by Tammy Penn
Eternal Bond by Tammy Lynne Penn
Eternal Bond
Eternal Bond, by Tammy Lynne Penn
Bronze, Edition 1/17
20″ H x 24″ L x 12″ W
Little Sentinel
Little Sentinel, by Tammy Lynne Penn
Bronze, Edition 3/35
24″ H x 8″ Dia
Little Sentinel depicts an American Kestrel that is near and dear to my heart. As a falconer, I was able to rescue
“Cowboy” aka “Little Bird” cat, put him on my licensed foster him over the summer; he was released in late July, and
I’m pleased to see him often and how he’s doing well. He has quite a personality and still chases rabbits, he thinks he’s
much larger than he is.
Rose Bonnet – Longhorn
Rose Bonnet, by Tammy Lynne Penn
Raku fired ceramic
9.5″ H x 9.5″ W x 20.5″ L